I was booked in to be induced on Monday 3rd December at 3pm which was my due date... I have never been induced before so naturally I was quite nervous as I didn’t know what to expect. I had all natural deliveries with the boys so this was all new to me. The reason they wanted to induce me on my due date was because my boys were all rather large babies my first being 9lbs 5 ox second 9lbs and third a whopping 10lbs! ouchie
When we arrived at the hospital we were shown to our bed and I was examined to see weather they could break my waters straight away or whether I needed some prostaglandin gel to help soften the cervix. I was 2cm dilated and given the gel. We were then hooked up to monitor the baby’s heartbeat for an hour or so. Then left for about 6 hours before being examined again. So we watched some tv and tried to get some rest ready for labour. I had some mild back ache but nothing too bad and at about 11pm examined again only to be told there was no change and given more gel. I was a bit disappointed but I knew the process could take some time so I tried to get some sleep but this time round the pains were very uncomfortable and I couldn’t really sleep. There were two others on my ward and by the morning I was the only one left as they had gone to the delivery suite to have their baby’s! It was nice that I now had the room all to myself but I couldn't believe I was the last one left - it seemed like I had been in there forever even though it was only 17 hours! With the boys once I was in the hospital I had delivered them within a couple of hours so this was the longest I had every been in the hospital for! So 9am another examination and yep more gel!!! No change after two doses. But after this dose the contractions felt stronger to the point that I had to breath through them and couldn’t really walk. That was a long six hours that day and we were monitored throughout ready for my next examination I was expected to be sent home as nothing seemed to be progressing.
But.... the midwife said it was now possible to break my waters yippee... she used a long hook like device and inserted it into my cervix to break the waters - it wasn't uncomfortable it was just like having an examination and by that point I wanted this baby out so I would have gone along with anything to get things moving! With that I felt the warm waters leak out! This didn’t hurt at all... I was excited but nervous too! the midwife commented on how much water came out and I was soaked... My legs were shaking like I was nervous or cold and I couldn't stop them such a strange feeling. Baby’s heart was monitored and the midwife was going to leave me for two hours to see if the contractions started naturally if not I would be given a drip to bring them on. Well the full on contractions started straight away and the midwife didn't want to leave my side as she could see how strong they were from the monitor and probably the noises I was making too! They were coming strong and every minute or so this was it and I knew baby would be here very soon. I was taken to delivery well I say taken... I had to wrap the blankets around me to stop the waters dripping out and walk (waddle) to the delivery suite..... they broke my waters on the ward as they thought I may be a while before it was time to go to delivery but this baby wasn't waiting!
Once we got onto the delivery suite I was very uncomfortable and asked for some gas and air to help me breathe through the contractions - I felt as though I was getting no rest in between and as soon as I had had a sip of water there was another one. straight away it was all a bit of a blur... so with some breathing and some rather strange groans I could feel the pressure pushing down and felt the need to push - the midwife told me to go with what I felt I needed to do and after every contraction she told me how well I was doing - I found this a great motivation for me like I was a star pupil or something!! Within 30 mins of breathing and two pushes she was here! I just remember feeling overwhelmed with love as they placed our baby girl on me and when I saw Anthony's face looking at his daughter instantly my heart was filled with love. even writing this I have a tear in my eye as it is just the best feeling in the world. My mum turned up literally just as she was born as we called her once my waters were broken thinking it would be some time but she just missed it. Anthony cut the cord and baby was weighed and then put back on me for a feed.
Thankyou for reading my birth story and just remember everyone is different every birth is different and there is no right or wrong in giving birth just go with your natural instinct and your body will tell you what to do! The female body amazes me so much.